Beddha Tribe Camp Experience

As you know, the 1st October we held in London our first Beddha Tribe Camp to celebrate our first anniversary. And let us say: what an event!

We would like to thank anyone who took part in the happening, and celebrated with us. And we would like to share the experience with you.

The event consisted in a beauty workshop for an intimate circle of beauty, wellbeing journalists and influencers.

• The concept - theory

The circle was led by Lifestyle Entrepreneur Camilla Meshiea.
Each participant had her own Tribe Camp kit so to be able to test product samples (As A Flower, Rose Quartz Gua Sha along with text of the beauty Mantra ‘I’m the light of my soul’), and was introduced to the brand. Who The Beddha is. Why the whole journey started. The mission and The Beddha vision for the future (the business including the Academy and the Club). Information we shared in many of our previous articles and you can always read on Mindful Rooftop blog.

With the help of Camilla and her beauty practices, we then introduced the concept of beauty rituals to illustrate The Beddha philosophy and how rituals can be experienced as Mindful Activity. Meditative moments that you dedicate to your higher self. Moments that require mindfulness, intention and time as opposed to quick fix (chemicals) treatments.

We then moved to sisterhood and formed a circle of women to embrace the presence of other women present and inform of the ancient ways to heal the body, mind and skin from within.
The Beddha Tribe Camp experience encourages women to take back the power of the male gaze and redistribute ideas of beauty to strength from within the divine feminine.

The ritual - activity

We accompanied the brand introduction with a step by step ritual.

Camilla saged the room cleansing the space from previous presences. She then went on cleansing each woman place and asked each participant to introduce herself to the group.

We created an Aroma Meditation for testing As A Flower. Camilla put the herbal blend in a bowl and poured hot water to get anyone else to do the same. While steaming face, women were encouraged to reflect on past memories activated by the flower blend fragrance (smell triggers memories).

This activity was followed by a Gua Sha tutorial:
- First step: nourishing skin face with a cotton pad infused with flower water and olive oil drops
- Second step: repeating this action with slow movement
- Third step: doing Gua Sha scraping in a slow meditative repetitive motion while Camilla illustrated how each face section was being affected by the work of the scraping action (stagnant energy releasing)

We closed the beauty rituals listening to the mantra song ‘I am the light of my soul’ and singing back ‘I am the light of my soul’.

We then concluded the workshop sharing feelings, thoughts and difficulties experienced during the ritual and meditation practice while Camilla supported the circle with tips.

We also had a small cold finger buffet that included three CBD infusion blends accompanied by saffron cookies and saffron honey to sweeten herbal teas.

Tempted by the experience? The video of the event is available for you to watch on The Beddha social media. Thrilled by the first Beddha Tribe Camp, we decided to add new dates that will be soon announced. So keep following us to get updates.


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