Beddha & Spell Rose Magic Set
Exquisitely fragrant and lovingly hand-wrapped our ROSE MAGIC SET will bring forth energies of positivity, compassion, and heart healing:
- White Sage wrapped in Rose Petals -
Smudging is a sacred practice that our elders have incorporated into ritual work for centuries. They believed that burning herbs and flowers would purify and consecrate their sacred space, draw in positive spirits, and discourage the presence of any unwanted energies.
The smoke of the magical sage plant will raise any low vibrating energies and the potent aroma of the rose petals is believed to bring good fortune, happiness, and luck in love. Once you’ve experienced this enchanted flower’s magic, you’ll understand why it plays such an integral role in love magic all around the world.
- Rose Quartz Gua Sha -
Rose Quartz is packed full of minerals, including silicium, magnesium, iron, sodium, and oxygen. It has an amazing ability to reduce inflammation and support the renewal of skin cells plus heals and rejuvenates. Rose Quartz Facial Gua Shas are also good for the heart and circulation, bringing oxygen to the skin which improves tone, luster and glow.
- As A Flower -
With its anti-ageing, antiseptic, antibacterial and hydrating properties, this meditative facial in a tub will skin raise your skin's vibe so it can resonate it's true beauty and allure out to the world.
Enter The Beddha X Mother's Spell whole new world of healing and learn how to channel and master your soul, mind, and body with our energetically designed tools ...